Astro Alloy - Eighteen

Available for streaming on Bandcamp, Spotify, et al.

Birthday Candles


in the hallway after class
the desperate look of an ex
a second glance as we pass

i know the truth, you're still obsessed
shared belongings repossessed
all the posts that you regret

  just the thought that i might take you back
  when i threw you out
  like you were dirty, day-old birthday candles
  i despise like no one else
  keep crawling back
  this is more than you can handle

days ago you tried to speak
apologies that felt so weak
empty words i’ve heard before

dropped some hints about how you've changed
what you've done to learn your place
well i can’t stand you anyways

  just the thought that i might take you back
  when i threw you out
  like you were dirty, day-old birthday candles
  i despise like no one else
  keep crawling back
  this is more than you can handle


  just the thought that i might want you back
  when i threw you out
  like you were dirty, day-old birthday candles
  i despise like no one else
  keep crawling back
  this is more than you can handle

Song Notes

i spent so long practicing guitar
	and this is the only song with a guitar solo?
what the fuck. what a rip-off. i should have learned the piano.

this song was originally an "i suck, please take me back" song
and i decided the album was too negative (lyrically)
so i gave the song the ol' flipparoo (lyrically)
now it's a "you suck, i'm not taking you back" song
refreshing! feminism!! (i imagine this song from a woman's POV)

Recording Notes

i used the OD Glove on this one - MOSFET hngg
	and my prized humbucking gasoline guitar

we put this song (and others) on a big tape machine then sped the tape up
otherwise some songs were too dark and too slow
that's why this is in the key of "that key between E and F"

josh says "nice" at the end. how nice of him.

Next: ytho