Astro Alloy - Eighteen

Available for streaming on Bandcamp, Spotify, et al.

I Think I'll Stay In


after a day of empty tasks
i go to sleep, tear off my mask
i am a stranger, even to myself, whoah

always this aching in my guts
regular things leave me torn up
nobody asks me how my day has been, whoah

  but sometimes i start leaking sap
  self-hating jokes that don't get laughs

    it won't be very long til i act like it never happened
    it won't be very long til i forget it ever mattered
    yeah, i'm cool, it's fine.
    hey, you wanna hang out? watch cartoons and cry?

day after day my mind goes dim
i grow out and rip off my second skin
my journal's empty, no will left to write

i am unfit to love myself
the check engine light keeps burning out
subconscious thoughts are rising to the top

  but sometimes i start leaking sap
  self-hating jokes that don't get laughs

    it won't be very long til i act like it never happened
    it won't be very long til i forget it ever mattered
    yeah, i'm cool, it's fine.
    hey, you wanna hang out? i'll watch you drink wine

      i pulled the sword from the rock
      but i got shy and put it back
      the people stared, all were appalled
      "we thought that you were someone else"

    i feel empty
    from a grade that passed the class and nothing more
    when the treadmill of self-care becomes a chore
    tired of counting hours of missing sleep
    i'm always tired

      and i grow
      and i change
      and i hate
      what this world has done to me

      not calm
      not safe
      no joy
      only tragicomedy

    a wizard came, knocked on my door
    "we need your help", they implored
    oh, they warned, if i accept,
    i must be sure cuz i can't go back

    i'll be honest
    i'm afraid of monumental change
    less than i fear things might stay the same
    what's the risk if i risk everything?

  okay, i'll do it

Song Notes

i want you to know that i am rooting for you

these are my favorite lyrics on the album
(am i allowed to say that?)
lyrics are so, so hard for me
i spent at least as much time working on the lyrics as i did the music
it's important that every song have a "point" to it
and that the "point" is something i find compelling
otherwise i just sing vague bullshit and the song becomes a vacuum
but it's so much easier for me to get a "hit" on the music side
    than it is for me to get the "hit" lyrically
and even then... i have no idea if people are going to understand / connect

whenever i get discouraged i will literally listen to popular music that i think sucks
and i go, "well shit i can do THAT"
and then i get motivated again!
otherwise i'd just listen to the Blue Album once and give up
because will i ever write anything better than the Blue Album? doubt.

this was originally going to be the last song on the album
until i flipped out and changed it, which was a whoooole thing

Recording Notes

the graphic fuzz once again kicks ass on this song
tyler also uses a big muff & the POG for the choruses
fun fact: one time they blew out a G12H Celestion speaker
	they were rocking out to muff + sub-octave POG at the time
	and it just decided to give up
	don't be like the G12H

Next: Breaking Up With A Friend