Astro Alloy - Eighteen

Available for streaming on Bandcamp, Spotify, et al.

I Want To Go To The Party


i wanna go to the party (1), i wanna fit right in
i wanna get drunk ugly and yell at my stupid friends
i wanna puke in a toilet, i wanna call-in sick
i wanna crush on a new girl and all of that cringy shit

  instead i'm bored inside my dorm, killing off the time
  texting lies that say that i'm too busy for the night
  lay in bed, pretend i'm dead and swear it could be worse
  play an album not as good the first time as the third (2)

    i will not manifest courage i wish i had
    i am the champion of the cancelled plan

i wanna go to the party, i wanna leave a scar
i wanna go on a bender, i wanna crash a car
i wanna piss off the neighbors, i wanna piss off cops
i wanna leave with a story that that somebody else retells

  instead i'm bored inside my dorm, killing off the time
  texting lies that say that i'm too busy for the night
  lay in bed, pretend i'm dead and swear it could be worse
  play an album not as good the first time as the third

    i will not manifest courage i wish i had
    for i am the champion of the cancelled plan

      concrete walks and rambling talks
      a promise made with fingers crossed
      forgotten rules to drinking games (3)
      a coke can filled with ash
      clouded by half-eaten brains
      as mercury pumps thru our veins (4)
      speaking with nothing to say at all

i'll send a pity text to my oldest friends (5)
"i know that this sounds weird, but please come over here"
and i won't be alone, maybe we all get stoned
watch some minecraft vlogs and bitch about our jobs (6)


(1) friday night kappa courtyard at eckerd. iykyk
(2) loveless by mbv
(3) kings
(4) 102s into Ava Adore
(5) this is your sign
(6) an esteemed team member of
    the st petersburg paciugo gelato caffè

Song Notes

oh my god someone is going to think i get high in 2023 and watch minecraft vlogs
there's this lyric in a song by The Matches (sick band) where he's like "MySpace Romancer"
and it's so dated! :P
i wanted to "date" this song with the Minecraft reference, soo 2021

Recording Notes

do u hear people talking? O_o

here's where i use this sick starfire hollowbody, so fat
bass fuzz in the chorus fuckin ROCKS
i use a germanium fuzz in the bridge...
	very cool, love that 32nd entry in the periodic table
russian muff the rest of the time
i love u russian big muff <3

Next: Birthday Candles